UT2Vote 4.8
Kick Menu
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Clan Setup

To change the UT2Vote settings for your own computer, click on Client, which lets the client menu appear:


The following options are votable:

Game end Scoreboard: Switches to the scoreboard at the end of a game, and if you got fragged, same as with TTM.
Game end Screenshot: A Screenshot will be taken at the end of the game.
Show Spectators: If the scoreboard is displayed, the spectators are also shown
Disable Home Key: The predefined Menü-Shortcut Home-Key will be deactivated (needs restart of UT).
Disable weapon names: Weaponnames, wich are displayed when switching weapons, won’t be displayed.
Display local time: The local time will be displayed.
Allow Holy Announcer: The Announcers in the UT2Votemenu (Countdown, Termination etc) now also uses the “Holy Shit” if activated.
Announcer: Decide, which announcer you like in the UT2Votemenu (Countdown, Termination etc).

At the bottom, you can change the key bindings for the UT2Vote menu itself, and for the Client-Settings

Spectate switches to the Spectator-Modus, and KickMenu opens the Kick Menu

Here you can also record a clientside demo by clicking on RecDemo.

To accept the changes you have to click on Submit. To close the menu, simply press Close.

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